Entries by labortech


The Combined Robotic Workstation X-RUNNER TANDI by LABORTECH represents a cutting-edge solution for automating testing processes, integrating advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure maximum efficiency and measurement accuracy. The workstation is equipped with the LabTest 6.250 E.3 testing machine, designed for tensile testing. This machine features a dual VIDEOEXTENSOMETER for contraction measurement and the […]

Testing Cargo Straps on LABTEST Machines by LABORTECH: Safety First

Cargo straps are critical components for ensuring the safe transportation of goods, whether by road, rail, or air. Their reliability and strength are essential to keep cargo securely in place, even under challenging conditions. This is why the testing of fastening straps is so important, and LABORTECH is a leader in this field thanks to […]

EP Series Testing Machines for Shock Absorber Testing in Operation and Laboratories

LABORTECH specializes in the design and manufacture of advanced testing systems for all types of shock absorbers and suspension systems. Our portfolio of testing solutions includes electrodynamic, electromechanical, and servohydraulic testing machines, allowing for various types of tests, including durability tests, performance evaluation of shock absorbers, fatigue tests, and many others. Our EP series of […]

LABORTECH machines are involved in the numerical and experimental analysis of wooden …

A comprehensive numerical and experimental analysis of mechanical non-metallic (MNC) joints of wooden structures was performed at the Department of Structures in the Experimental Center of the Faculty of Civil Engineering VŠB-TU Ostrava . The tested joints were made of structural timber, glued laminated timber and glued laminated timber. Experimental testing took place on top-of-the-line […]

LABORTECH at fairs in Germany, Austria and Hungary: Successes and news

In the last month, LABORTECH participated in three important fairs together with our business partners: CONTROL Stuttgart in Germany, INTERTOOL Wels in Austria and IPAR NAPJAI Budapest in Hungary. These events provided us with an excellent opportunity to present our latest innovations and meet industry experts. At the CONTROL fair in Stuttgart, Germany, we proudly […]

LABORTECH is increasing its business activities in the Middle East.

LABORTECH, a leading manufacturer of testing machines, is striving to strengthen its position in the Middle Eastern markets. From April 15 to 19, 2024, we had the honor of welcoming Mr. Haim Kravitz, the business manager of Microtech Ltd. from Israel, to our headquarters. This company has provided us with valuable commercial and service representation […]

LabTest 6.50H.5-TS – tests tension and spring clips on rails according to the DBS 918 127 standard

LABORTECH specializes in manufacturing testing machines for a wide spectrum of the railway industry. We are a leader in providing 100% testing of railway parts, and our specialized equipment and technologies allow for conducting long-term tests of key components of railway vehicles, railway superstructure, traction systems, and other components. One of our top-of-the-line testing machines […]