Inquiry form – AZS.1
You have chosen the series AZS.1 – automated robotic workstations for tensile, compression and bending tests. In order to prepare a price quotation, we need to know some more information. Please, be so kind and grant us your 5 minutes time.
Thank you for sharing info on this topic with us:
- Are you going to test at random or regularly? If regularly, how many specimens in 24 hours?
- What specimens are you going to test (metals, plastics, textile, carbon etc.)?
- Can you specify the dimensions and shape of the specimens? Do you have any technical drawings?
- What is the weight of the test samples?
- Can you specify gauge length?
- According which standard, testing course, are you going to perform the tests? Please enclose if you can.
- If the tests are not according to an international standard, please, describe the type, test course and requested results.
- Specify maximum of measured values (elongation – %; tensile strength – Mpa).
- Is there required communication with the CRM system or other database?
- Are you interested in some additional accessories? For example:
A) automated measurement of dimension,
B) bar (QR) code reader,
C) automated marker.
- Do you require an extensometer? Which one do you prefer? The list of extensometers.
- Describe the automated process, attach a flowchart if necessary.
- What software language do you prefer?
- Please, select the place of the machine installation and requirements for commissioning.